Answered By: Hendra Pretorius
Last Updated: Jul 05, 2022     Views: 362

Contact Faculty Librarians by e-mail for information services, research support or any other assistance. They will also be able to have one-on-one meetings with clients by means of Microsoft Teams should more in-depth assistance be needed. Assistance will include all services such as bibliometric services, book orders, training material on SUNLearn for students, etc. To make a MS Teams appointment with your faculty librarian, visit your Library Guide and click Online Appointment under the name and photo of your faculty librarian. Alternatively, use Make an online appointment and choose your library and faculty librarian from the dropdown menu.

Enquiries could also be directed via Ask a Librarian and the Library Guides can be consulted for assistance for specific departments or information on research support.



Kontak die Fakulteitsbibliotekarisse per e-pos vir inligtingsdienste, navorsingsondersteuning of enige ander bystand. Hulle kan individuele sessies met kliënte hê deur middel van Microsoft Teams, sou diepgaande bystand nodig wees. Bystand sluit in dienste soos bibliometriese dienste, boekbestellings, opleidingsmateriaal op SUNLearn vir studente, ens. Om 'n MS Teams afspraak te maak klik "Online Appointment" op jou biblioteekgids onder die naam en foto van jou fakulteitsbibliotekaris of gebruik Maak 'n aanlyn afspraak en kies jou biblioteek en faktulteitsbibliotekaris van die keuselys.

Navrae kan ook via Ask a Librarian gerig word en die biblioteekgidse kan geraadpleeg word vir hulp vir spesifieke departemente of inligting oor navorsingsteun.