Question: How do I get free access to journals if a database asks me to purchase or rent the journals?
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If you go directly to a publisher's website you will not be recognised as affiliated with Stellenbosch University. You need to access databases or e-journals to which the Library subscribes via the library website.
Visit our library homepage, click on E-Databases under the FIND menu. On the next screen, scroll down and click on the title of the database. When off-campus and prompted to log in, use your SU campus username and password. The database will now recognise you as an SU student and you will have free access.
If you are looking for a specific electronic journal, follow the same route, but select E-journals under the FIND menu. The steps on how to do this is in the box entitled Find full-text articles in the guide Find, access and use information effectively: a step-by-step guide
*Important: For security reasons it is necessary to change your password at every 90 days otherwise your access will automatically expire after 90 days. See Password Selfhelp.
Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Numbers: +27 21 808 4883, Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch, 7599