Question: How can I, as a undergraduate, get access to the library's journals and databases?
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Undergraduates' usernames are automatically allocated on registration. You can create your own unique password. See Change your password online.
Once that is done, you should have on- and off-campus access to the library's academic licensed electronic resources via our library homepage.
Type your search terms in the search box or choose E-databases or E-journals from the FIND menu. Guidelines are available at Find, access and use information effectively: a step by step guide. See Find information.
When off-campus and prompted to Sign-On, sign in with your SU username (also called "network" login) and password. (See Password Selfhelp for any Sign-On problems).
Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Numbers: +27 21 808 4883, Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch, 7599