Question: May I make photocopies from material available at Special Collections? / Mag ek fotokopieë maak van Spesiale Versamelingsmateriaal?
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No material in Special Collections may be photocopied due to the nature and condition of the items. Patrons are however permitted to photograph pages of some books and manuscripts they consult in Special Collections. Special Collections staff will indicate whether an item may be copied or not.
Their contact details as well as the hours of service in order to plan visit to the Special Collections section, are available on the Special Collections page. You can also visit the Special Collections Library guide.
Weens die aard en toestand van die materiaal mag geen materiaal in Spesiale Versamelings gefotokopieer word nie. Gebruikers mag wel foto's neem van bladsye in sommige boeke en manuskripte wat hulle in die afdeling gebruik. Navraag kan gedoen word by die personeel in Spesial Versamelings .
Die personeel se kontakbesonderhede sowel as die ure wat Spesiale Versamelings oop is sodat jy jou besoek daarvolgens kan beplan, is beskikbaar op die Spesiale Versamelings bladsy. Besoek ook Spesiale Versamelings se Biblioteekgids.
Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Numbers: +27 21 808 4883, Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch, 7599